


Quick, quirky, and rambunctious, the piece popped right off the stage.

New Music USA

Moby Dick

Contemporaneous performed with excellent resolve.. Absolute sell-out crowd [..] numbering into the hundreds... Everything seemed to happen right on time...

I Care If You Listen

Ultimately, a great satisfaction emerges, not only from the obvious entertainment factor, but from watching one great artwork father the creation of another.

Seen and Heard International

On The Non-Valvular Structure of the Whale's Blood-Vessels

This passage […] was, in fact, set—word-for-word, so far as I could tell—in a gorgeous composition. Through careful use of repetition, it brought to mind not only the whale, bleeding and bleeding, but Ishmael’s own fascination with that bleeding, and Melville’s own aims in bringing this aspect of the whale to our attention.

First Things

Wander & Wonder

The most […] successful piece, Ruben Naeff’s Wander & Wonder, […] was impressive for the flutist’s awesome breath control and stamina and the pair’s locked-in performance as the melody unspooled continuously. 

Oregon ArtsWatch


Press Clippings


NRC Handelsblad, May 25, 2011

NRC Next, August 19, 2009

Trouw, January 29, 2011

Folia, August 2008

Folia, August 2008






Volkskrant TV, 2007.

I Care If You Listen, 2014. Contemporaneous, W4 New Music.

Het Klankcafé, October 2016. Louis Andriessen, Augusta Caso, Jorinde Keesmaat, Tosca Opdam, Ruben Naeff